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Dobot Magician & Lite

DobotStudio Windows v1.9.4  Lataa

Dobot robot control software, including driver files. It supports Magician, Magic Box+Magician Lite and other devices, including functions such as Teaching&Playback, Write&Draw, Blockly, Script, etc.

DobotStudio Mac v1.9.2  Lataa

Dobot Magician software for Mac OS, includes driver files. Support Mac OS 10.11 and above;
Support Magic Box+Magician Lite, including Teaching&Playback, write&Draw, Blockly, and Script.

DobotStudio Windows XP v1.4.0  Lataa

Dobot Magician software for windows XP. Includes Dobot driver. For detailed installation and instructions please download Dobot Magician User Manual-Tutorials.
(Attention: Dobot Lite, and features  Blockly and Leaption are not supported under windows XP OS)

DobotBlock Windows v1.6.0-beta.9  Lataa

Newly launched DobotBlock software, users get to program robots and other Dobot hardware devices simply by dragging and dropping. That said, users can have every movement of the robot at their fingertips while having fun exploring and learning AI and other technologies.

DobotBlock Mac v1.4.0  Lataa

DobotBlock software for Mac

Dobot M1

M1 Studio v1.5.3  Lataa

Vision kit

DobotVisionStudio v1.4.2  Lataa

DobotVisionStudio is a vision platform software that works with dongle and is compatible with the motion modules of the Dobot Magician and Dobot M1 robots. With this software, users can use vision correlation modules and control Dobot Magician or Dobot M1 robots. 1GB


MOOZStudio Windows v2.3.2  Lataa

MOOZ Studio is a all-in-one slicing software specially designed and developed for MOOZ. It supports 3D printing, laser and CNC Gcode generation, which simplifies your workflow.